Know Your Question Paper
Compiled by
P. Abdul Hakeem
Teacher in English
Govt. Senior Secondary School Minicoy
Dear students,
Dear students,
This is the first question. The following lessons given in the Course Book can be profitably utilized for this purpose.
1. The Cherry Tree (Story)
2. Two Gentleman of Verona (Story)
3. Three Days to See (Story)
4. The Hero (Story)
5. On the rule of the Road ( Expository passage)
6. The Sneeze (Story)
7. The Elixir of Life (Expository passage)
Type of Questions
I. Factual Questions
Which? What? Who? When?
II. Inferential Questions
How? Why? Opinion making type..
III. Vocabulary based Questions
One word substitute
IV. Discourse level Questions
1.Conversation/ Dialogue
2. Diary
3. Letter
4. Speech
5. Placard
6. Slogans
7. Write a Paragraph/Note
8. Give Instructions/Advice.
How to deal with the Questions
�� To answer comprehension type questions you have to read the passage two or three times and then try to analyse the passage logically.
�� Read the questions that follow and identify the type of answer required.
�� For factual questions beginning with which, what, who and when read the passage again and locate the specific information.
�� For inferential questions beginning with how, why and opinion making type, read the passage again thoroughly, make clear idea about the passage and answer in your own sentences.
The answer should be brief, clear and complete.
Example, Orukkam 2010
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
1. Read the following passage from ‘The Elixir of life’ and answer the questiongiven below.
Closely connected with the conservation of water supplies is the problem ofafforestation the systematic planting of suitable trees in every possible oreven inimpossible areas and the development of what one can call civilized forests , as
distinguished from wild and untamed jungle, is one of the most urgent needs of India such plantation would directly and
indirect prove a source of untold wealth to the country. They would check soil erosion and conserve the rainfall of the country from flowing away to the waste.
1. What is closely connected with the conservation of water supplies?
2. What is meant by civilized forest?
3. According to the author, what is one of the most urgent needs of our
4. What would be the advantage of afforestation
5. Prepare two slogans to be put up near the public water tap (4)
1. The problem of afforestation is closely connected with the conservation of water supplier.
2. The systematic planting of suitable trees and its development can be called civilized forest.
3. According to the author afforestation /development of civilized forests is one of the most urgent needs of our country.
4. Afforestation would check soil erosion and conserve the rainfall. It would also be an untold wealth to the country.
Under this section there will be a few lines/stanzas taken from two different poems given in the Course Book.
Texual Poems
1. A Stormy Night
2. Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead
3. David and His Mother
4. The Solitary Reaper
5. Come, Live with Me
6. Light the Lamp of Thy Love
Type of Questions
I. Factual Questions
Which? What? Who? When?
II. Inferential Questions
How? Why? Opinion making type..
III. Poetic Craft/Figure of Speech based Questions
1. Rhyming words
2. Rhyme scheme
3. Simile
4. Metaphor
5. Alliteration
6. Assonance
7. Images
8. Transferred epithet
How to deal with the Questions
· Read the given lines/stanzas thoroughly
· Find out the main idea
· Answer must be to the point
Read the lines from ‘‘The solitary Reaper’’ and answer the
Questions that follow.
Behold her, single in the field,
yon solitary Highland lass!
Reaping and singing by herself,
Stop here, or gently pass!
(i) Pick out the words which tell us that the girl is alone in the field.
(ii) Guess and write where the girl lives.
(iii) ‘‘Stop here, or gently pass’’. Who says this and to whom?
(iv) ‘A field ready for harvest’ is an image here. Pick one more image from these lines.
Question 1 has three related words as answers. For this you have to comprehend the word‘lonely’.
Question 2 refers to the place where the girl lives in. You can either
write the word ‘Highland’ or a word that has the same meaning of ‘High land’.
Question 3 demands you to identify the speaker and the listener/listeners. Here it is the poet's soliloquy or he speaks to the passersby. There are other possibilities also.
Question 4, again you have to read and internalize the four lines. An image is a word picture. Here it can be either solitary reaper/girl at work/girl reaping in the field or poet/man/traveller etc.
�� In this way, read and appreciate other textual poems.
1. Single, solitary, herself
2. Highlands/region/hills/hilly area
3. Poet to the passersby/ poet to the readers / etc.
4. A girl reaping in the field/solitary reaper/a girl at her work / a man
pointing to the field etc.
Example 2,
Read the lines from ‘‘Come, Live with Me’’ and answer the
Questions that follow.
There we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks
By the shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sing their madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of roses
With a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers and kirtle
Embroider’d all with leaves of myrtle.
1. Who does the shepherd invite to live with him?
2. What provides the back ground music to the waterfalls?
3. Mention any two things that the singer offers to make for the girl.
4. Identify the rhyming scheme followed in these lines.
1. Shepherd invites a city girl to live with him.
2. The music of the songbirds.
3. A cap of flowers and kirtle which was embroidered all with leaves of myrtle.
4. aa bb cc dd
This question is related to the textual lessons in your Course Book.
Type of Questions
1. You are supposed to change the content in to any of the following discourses/questions. You may also keep in mind that this question fetches you the maximum score : 7 score.
· Speech
· Letter
· Article
· Write up
· Interview (It shall be in the form of questions and their responses)
· Suppose you are Tcherviakof /Nicola….. (Somebody else’s version)
· Describe the character
· Justify the title
· Narrate the story
· State your arguments
· Give your opinion
· Do you agree? Why?
· Elaborate
· Elucidate
· Write the story
· Narrate the story
How to deal with the Questions
You are given a choice and you need write the answer for only one.
At the outset itself you should identify the discourse and keep its format when you write the answer for, the format itself will help you to score a few marks.
You are expected to know the main content of the textual lesson very well and you are supposed to change/prepare the content in to variety of discourses.
This task is to evaluate your writing skill. To score good marks you have to make a clear idea of your justification.
Present in simple sentences.
Arrange the ideas in logical order using appropriate linkers.
Example, SSLC 2007
Answer any one of the following in about 120 words.
1. Imagine that you meet the Hellen Keller in the evening of the second day of her gift of eye sight. You interview her on her experiences on that day. Write down your questions and the answers you expect.
2. 22nd March every year is the World Water Day (WWD). On that day you have to make a short speech during the school assembly on the importance of water. Prepare a speech on the basis of the passage “The Elixir of Life”.
The following hints may be helpful to you.
(water precious…..the true elixir of life…..rain water flows to waste…….sources not preserved…..rain water to be saved…….animals and plants need water…)
I : Good evening madam. I am very happy to know that you
have regained eyesight.
I : Good evening madam. I am very happy to know that you
have regained eyesight.
Hellen Keller : Good evening. Thank you.
I : I must ask you if you don’t mind to tell meabout your
experiences on the second day of your gift of eyesight.
experiences on the second day of your gift of eyesight.
Hellen Keller : I’m very happy to tell. I arouse with the dawn and saw the very
thrilling and surprising event by which nightwas transformed into
day. A sense of wonder and respect filled me when I watched
the magnificient panorama of light with which the sun awakened
the sleeping earth.
the magnificient panorama of light with which the sun awakened
the sleeping earth.
I : What did you do after that ?
Hellen Keller : Then I probed into the soul of man through his art. It opened
the gates of meaning, beauty and joy.
I : How did you spend the evening ?
Hellen Keller : I spent the evening at a theatre and saw Hamlet and Falstaff
amid colourful Elizabethan trappings.
I : In short, you didn’t waste even a second of the day.
Hellen Keller : Yes, I made full use of the day.
I : I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the day. Thank you for
spending a few moments with me. This day will remain
evergreen in my memory. Thank you madam.
Hellen Keller : Welcome .Goodnight.
I : Goodnight.
4. Questions from Supplementary Reader
1. The Merchant of Venice
2. The Tempest
3. Julius Caesar
Type of Questions
· A major event from the three stories of the supplementary reader will be taken and the sub events can be given in jumbled order or with gaps in the sequence of events.
· Sequence them and write a paragraph using suitable linkers.
How to deal with the Questions
· Read and comprehend ideas/events
· Remember the actual story and sequence that particular event/scene
· Rearrange the sentences in a logical sequence
· Use linking words
· Write a paragraph
· Linking words: E.g., and, so, but, then, next, first, at last, thus, meanwhile, finally etc…
Example, SSLC 2009.
The following are some of the events that tell us how Prospero and Miranda reached the Island. They are given in ajumbled order. Arrange them in a sequence and write a paragraph using suitable linkers.
· Prospero and Miranda were pushed out in to the sea.
· Prospero entrusted his Dukedom in the hands of Antonio.
· The father and the daughter reached the desert island.
· Antonio joined hands with the King of Naples to overthrow the Duke.
· Prospero, Duke of Milan, wanted to spend his time studying magic.
Prospero, Duke of Milan, wanted to spend his time studying magic. So he entrusted his Dukedom in the hands of Antonio. But Antonio joined hands with the King of Naples to overthrow the Duke. Thus Prospero and Miranda were pushed out into the sea. The father and the daughter reached the desert island.
Simple stories or write-ups from books and periodicals.
Type of Questions
· Factual
· Inferential
· Suggest a suitable title etc…
How to deal with the Questions
· You are expected to read the passage silently and religiously, once or twice.
· Locate main theme and supporting ideas.
· Read the questions carefully and analyse it.
· Answer to the point.
· Check the answers once again.
· Try to read and comprehend simple stories or write ups from books and periodicals.
· Acquire the ability to skim and scan different texts and locate specific information.
Example, SAY 2009
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Once there was a miser. He worked all his life and saved a lot of money. He loved money more than anything else. One day he said to his wife. “When I die, you must get all my money put in a casket and place it beside me. I want to take the money to life after my death.” His wife promised him that she would put all the in a casket and place it with him when he dies.
One day the man died. His body was placed in a coffin. Just before the coffin was closed, the wife said, “wait just a minute. Let me place this casket in it.” She had a small casket with her. She then placed it in the coffin. Then the coffin was locked and was taken away. “Did you put all the money in the casket? “ asked her friend.
“Yes” the wife said, “ I cant lie. I promised him so.”
“what you mean you put all his money in the casket and sent it with him?”
“Certainly yes. I put it in my bank account and I wrote him a cheque.” Said the woman.
1. What did the miser want his wife to do?
2. What was the miser’s plan?
3. What did the woman want to place in the coffin before it was taken away?
4. What did the woman do with the money?
5. Suggest a suitable titled to it?
1. The miser wanted his wife to put all his money in a casket and place it with him when he died.
2. His plan was to take the money to life after his death.
3. The woman wanted to place the casket with cheque in it in the coffin.
4. She put the money in her bank account and wrote her husband a cheque.
5 A Clever wife.
Type of Questions
· A passage will be given to prepare notes/fill in flow charts/complete the diagram etc.
· Pie- diagram/ tree diagram/ histogram/ front covers or blurbs of books/ bio-data/ brochures/weather reports/ ads/ etc. can be given to interpret and gather information.
How to deal with the Questions
· The chart/diagram presents information in a more comprehensive way. Read carefully the given information.
· Read the questions and locate the answer.
Example, Orukkam-2011
The following table gives you some information about a group of students. Read it carefully and answer the questions given below.
Name | Rekha | Sunil | Shaju | Veena |
Age | 15 | 14 | 14 | 13 |
Height | 139 | 130 | 132 | 125 |
Weight | 45kg | 43kg | 46kg | 40kg |
Brothers | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Sisters | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Hobbies | Reading | Gardening | Cycling | Video game |
Father | Farmer | Tailor | Clerk | Postman |
Mother | Nurse | Beautician | Teacher | Peon |
1. Who is the shortest member in the group?
2. How does Veena spend her leisure?
3. How tall is the youngest member in the group?
4. Whose mother works in hospital?
5. What is Sunil's father?
1. Veena
2. playing video games
3. 125
4. Rekha’s
5. Tailor
· Textual / unfamiliar passage.
Type of Questions
· In this section you will be given some passages, in which some words are missing.
· You will have to choose the correct word from the choices given after the passage.
How to deal with the Questions
· Answers are already there in the brackets.
· Read and understand the given passage.
· Scan each sentence syntactically and semantically
· You will have to choose the correct word from the choices and fill it in the appropriate blanks.
· Try to familiarize with the use of following Prepositions and Articles and Linkers.
There is only room for very brief notes here; for more complete information about usage with a particular word, consult a good dictionary.
Prep osition
a word or group of words, such as in, from, to, out of and on behalf of , used before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time or method (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 8th edition
This is a list of a few expressions which often cause problems.
at the cinema
at the theatre
at a party
at university
What’s on at the cinema this week?
A book (written) by Shakespeare ; a concerto(composed) by Mozart; a film(directed)by Aamir Khan (Not of or from)
I have never read anything by Arundhathi Roy.
by car/bike/bus/train/boat/plane/land/sea/air; on foot(but in the car, on a bus etc)
Let’s take our time and go by boat.
My sister decided to go to America for several reasons.
from…point of view (Not according to or after)
Try to see it from my point of view.
in…opinion (Not according to or after)
In my opinion, she should have resigned earlier.
in the end = finally,after a long time
In the end I got a visa for Russia.
at the end = at the point where something stops.
I think the film is bit weak at the end.
in pen, pencil, ink etc
Please fill in the form in ink.
in a picture, photo etc (Not on)
She looks much younger in this photo.
in the rain, snow etc
I like walking in the rain
in a suit, rain coat, shirt, skirt, hat etc
Who’s the man in the funny hat over there?
in a …voice
Stop talking to me in that stupid voice
on page 120 etc (not in /at)
There is a mistake on page 120
on the radio; on TV; on the phone.
Is there anything good on TV tonight?
It’s Mrs. John on the phone: she says it’s urgent.
on time = at the planned time: neither late nor early.
Peter wants the meeting to start exactly on time.
in time = with enough time to spare; before the last moment
He would have died if they hadn’t got him to the hospital in time.
a ,an, the
In addition to the above try to understand the usage of the words given in the box.
To | Them | and | up | over | which | across | towards | into | up to |
But | Of | so | under | that | when | with | about | more | it |
Phrasal verbs in each unit of your Course Book
Type of Questions
· Fill in the blanks in the paragraph suitably
· Complete the following paragraph choosing the right phrases.
How to deal with the Questions
· Answers are already there in the brackets.
· Read each unit in your Course Book thoroughly to understand the use of phrasal verbs.
· Go through the phrasal verbs given at the back of each unit in your Course Book.
Example, Orukkam 2011
Replace the underlined words in the passages with suitable phrasal verbs from the boxes.
1. Radha nursed her old father with great patience. She told him to stop smoking. He could not tolerate her advice. He got annoyed and left the place.
(went out, put up with, put out, give up, gave in, looked after)
2. John's uncle died yesterday. He postponed his trip to Mumbai. He decided to start next Monday. The station master helped him to overcome all the difficulties regarding the cancellation of tickets.
(put out, passed away, get around, put off, set out)
3. When the Monsoon began Rakesh started home to assist his parents in farming. He had to use a lot of efforts. At the end when he returned he was thin but stronger.
(Set in, set out, put in, get back)
Some Phrasal verbs
1. Get at - find, reach
2. Get up - awake, rise
3. Get back - obtain, return
4. Get on - continue
5. Get over - recover from a disease
1. Go on - to continue
2. Go through - examine
3. Go up - rise price
4. Go off - explode
5. Go for - attack
1. Keep away - stay away
2. Keep on - continue
1. Turn up - arrive at a place
2. Turn on - to switch on
3. Turn off - to stop the supply
4. Turn over - to turn a page in a book
5. Turn down - to refuse
1. Set in - begin
2. Set out - start
Any small passage
Type of Questions
· In this section you will come across some letters or passages which need corrections.
· A few mistakes/errors are underlined. Correct them and rewrite the passage.
How to deal with the Questions
· Edit the passage by identifying morphological (tense), syntactical (word order).
· Read the paragraph with mistakes and find out where those mistakes exist.
· Scan each sentence syntactically and semantically.
Any piece of conversation
Type of Questions
· Read the dialogue/conversation and complete it.
· Report statements, questions, commands etc..
How to deal with the Questions
· Reported Speech.
Read the following conversation and and complete thefollowing sentences suitably.
Rakesh : What’s so special about the tree?
Grand father : We planted it ourselves.
(a) Rakesh asked ………………………….
(b) Grand father replied : …………………..
(a) Rakesh asked his Grand father what was so special about the cherry tree.
(b) Grand father replied that they had planted it themselves.
Report the following dialogue.
Patient : Doctor, how serious is my condition?
Doctor: There is nothing to worry.
You may begin like this:
The patient asked ……………
The patient asked the doctor how serious his condition was.
The doctor replied that there was nothing to worry.
Report the following dialogue.
Man : You are walking through the middle of the, road madam.
Woman : I have the liberty to walk anywhere I like.
You may begin like this :
The man reminded the woman ……..
The man reminded the woman that she was walking through the middle of the road. The woman replied that she had the liberty to walk where she liked.
Read the following dialogue and answer the questions.
Tcherviakoff : Sir, I want to tell you that I have accidently
sneezed on you.
sneezed on you.
General : Stop the nonsense-Get out!
a) What did Tcherviakoff say to the General?
Tcherviakoff said to the General that ………..
b)what did the General order?
The General ordered …………………….
Tcherviakoff said to the General that he had accidentally sneezed on him.
The General ordered him to stop the nonsense and get out of the room.
Next questions are parallel questions and discourse based.
Notices are used widely for conveying information about an event, an inauguration, a function, a programme etc. though making notice is a short writing skill, its organization, presentation and language accuracy are important.
Things to remember
· Striking heading (What the function is )
· Salutation ( the words that are used in a letter/Notice to address the person you are writing to, for example ‘Dear Sir’ )
· Details of the function
· Venue, Time, Day, Date
· Clarity and Brevity of language (using few words)
· Name and Designation (Class Leader/ Headmaster/Secretary) of the person who invites.
· Deails of the Programme
PROGRAMME Prayer : Welcome speech : Presidential Address : Inaugural Remarks : Key note Address : Paper Presentation : 1. ………….. 2…………… Felicitation : 1……………….. 2………………. Vote of Thanks : Variety Entertainment |
Example 1
Your class has decided to organize an exhibition of the stamps and coins collected by the students. Prepare a NOTICE of the exhibition showing details.
NOTICE Grand Exhibition of Stamps and Coins Dear friends, Our class has decided to organize an exhibition of the stamps and coins collected by the students. There is a large number of rare collection. The exhibition will be held at the School Auditorium at 3pm on February 14, 2010. All are cordially invited Place, Leader Date. X-E GSSS, Minicoy |
Points to Ponder
· Date and Day
· First person narrative( using the word ‘I’ )
· Content (Experiences, feelings, private thoughts..)
(Logical and well organized/ easy to understand)
and clear.
· Use simple past
· Impression of the day
( It was a sad / happy / wonderful / unforgettable day)
Example 1.
General Brizjaloff in ‘The Sneeze’ comes to know about the death of Mr. Tcherviakoff. He feels sorry that he had shouted at him the other day. That night the general makes his diary entry as usual. What would he write in the diary? Write the diary entry.
March-2011 Monday-15
Yesterday morning Mr. Tcherviakoff came here when I was hearing some petitions in my office room. He said something politely. It was his expression of regret over the sneezing incident that had happened in the opera house. Inspite of words of consolation he began to repeat his apologies. I was annoyed and roared at him to get out of the room. He went out sadly. After that I had no news about him. Today from the news paper, I knew that he died of a broken heart. What a pity! Am I responsible for his death?
It is sure that he was very simple. I shouted at him not purposely. May God forgive me! May his soul rest in peace!
It was a sad and unforgettable day in my life.
3. REPORT( News paper)
How can we write a report?
· Narrate the event that took place in the immediate past.
Eg. It was a pleasant evening ................................
I was walking along the road
A maruti car came from the right side
There was a deafening collision.....................
The driver of the car tried his best..................
· Sometimes the background leading to that happening occurrence or
event, forms an integral part of that event. In such cases a brief back
ground of the event become necessary.
· Reporting requires a simple and spontaneous, narration.
How to write a Report
· Give a firsthand information about the incident, occurrence or event.
· Decide the possible readers.
· Give a brief background of the event.
· Report in simple and meaningful language.
· Sequence the ideas in the order of their occurrence.
· Check the style and language of your report.
· Maintain unity of thought.
Example 1
Write a report in about 100 words on afforestation programme you have attended recently.
REPORT The Science Club members of Govt. Senior Secondary School Minicoy organised an afforestation programme in Minicoy during the Onam holidays. The camp lasted for ten days. Hundred students from our school participated in the programme. They planted hundred trees. On the last day of the programme, Smt. Amina Alibebege, President, Panchayat inaugurated the seminar on Environmental Protection. She also distributed saplings to the villagers. All the villagers participated in the programme very actively. They made the camp a great success. Secretary Eco Club |
How do I write a friendly/informal letter?
We write friendly letters to people we know well. We might write a friendly letter to our parents, grandparents, or our friends.

The first part of a friendly letter is called the heading. The heading includes the writer’s address and the date. The heading is written in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
The second part of the friendly letter is the greeting. It is written under the heading at the left margin. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma.
Eg., Dear, My Dear, etc…
Body and Leave taking
What do you want to say to the person you are writing to? We put what we want to say in the body of the letter. The body of the letter is in paragraph form. The first line of each paragraph is indented.
Leave Taking.
Eg., I hope to hear from you soon/ I Look forward to hearing
from you/Hope to get an early reply etc..
Closing and Signature
The closing and signature are the last parts on the friendly letter. Your closing might be:
Your friend,
Yours truly,
Your son,
The closing is lined up directly under heading. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma.
The signature is your name written directly under the closing.
· A good placard/slogan must catch the attention of the passer by.
· Use big, Bold and Capital letters.
· Catchy phrases and simple language.
· Convey the message clearly.
6. Profile
A profile is short biography of a person
Things to remember
· Title ( Name of the person)
· Write a paragraph based on the given information
· Organization of facts and ideas in a logical way.
· Clarity and style.
Example 1
} Name : Rabindranath Tagore
} Birth : 1861
} Famous as :Poet, Painter, Musician
} Dramatist, Educationist
} Philosopher, Thinker
} Novelist, Short Story Writer
} Father : Debendranath Tagore
} Major achievements : Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913
} Famous works :‘Gitanjali’, ‘Kabuliwallah’
} ‘Crescent Moon’
} Death : 1941
Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore, the eminent man of letters, was born in the year 1861. His father was Debendranath Tagore. He became famous as a Poet, Musician, Dramatist, Educationist, Philosopher, Thinker, Novelist and Short story writer. He got the Nobel Prize for literature in the year 1913 for ‘Gitanjali’. His famous works include Crescent Moon, Kabuliwallah, and Gitanjali. He passed away in the year 1941.
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